Top 100 Architects in South Asia, Architectural Digest India, to BandukSmith Studio.
BandukSmith Studio was again recognized as one of the top 100 Architects names in South Asia in 2020, for the project, Chidambarum Tree House.

“Our Time in the Sun.” Aluminum and Mild Steel Installation, in collaboration with Ankon Mitra, Materiology 2.0, Stir World, New Delhi, India.
“Our Time in the Sun”, an installation in collaboration with Ankon Mitra, was exhibited as a playful sun dial reflecting our time in the sun, in Materiology 2.0 (February 2020), a platform supported by STIR, which brings leading architects together to collaborate through material approaches. The concept was structured by a narrative of time, linking yesterday’s memories, today’s actuality, and tomorrow’s possibilities.

Chaal Chaal Agency, Pandemic Urbanism Workshop, Ahmedabad, India. “Vacant Lands in Dense Cities.”
Melissa has been invited as a guest speaker in a workshop by Chaal Chaal Agency, which questioned the future of architectural and urban design practice within the new normal. She spoke on her current research on the potential of vacant land for alternative modes of spatial practice in the post-pandemic city.

LS Raheja School of Architecture, Mumbai, India. “Adapting Modes of Practice.”
As a continuation of lecture series on “Adapting Modes of Practice”, Melissa gave a talk showcasing projects from Urban Design, Architecture, Residential, Offices, Terrace Gardens, Restoration and Furniture Design reflecting the conceptual and contextual approach of the studio.

Top 100 Architects in South Asia, Architectural Digest India
BandukSmith Studio was recognized again as one of the top 100 Architects names in South Asia in 2019 for the project crafted penthouse.

The Merit List Citation, “Swadhyay Reading Room.”
BandukSmith Studio won one of eleven Merit List Citations for 2018-2019. “Swadhyay Reading Room”, sits nestled amidst a beautiful green canopy, mimicking the ancient ashram tradition of studying under the trees, nurturing human interaction, and bringing joy. The project was awarded as an example of an intelligently designed public place.

Drawing (Out) a Place, Amravati Design Festival, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
ADF 2019, organized by IIID, invited Melissa to mentor a 2 Day workshop on “Investigating the Built” which took area students of architecture on an exploration of drawing as a means to analyze buildings and their relationship to context.

Sachin & Melissa lecture at APIED
We continued our series of lectures around India with a talk for students that looks at how we adapt modes of practice for the varied contexts in which we work.
banduksmithstudio selected for third year running - AD100 2018
Recognised for a third time among the cohort of India's top architects and interior designers, we were nominated this year for our multidisciplinary approach- which moves from the detail of furniture to strategies for urbanism.

"Lost in transitions"- talk at milan
Sachin and Melissa have been invited to give a talk on banduksmithstudio's work as part of the conference lecture series "Lost in transitions: Journey to the Boundaries of (Urban) Space" on the 25th of this month in Milan, Italy.

AMC empanels banduksmithstudio
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation brought us on board for the development of the city's lakes.

B UD Program at CEPT
Melissa Smith has been appointed Head of Program Development for the Bachelor of Urban Design (B.UD) program at CEPT University, Ahmedabad.

Two years running! Top 50 names in architecture and design, south asia 2017
banduksmithstudio was recognized as one of the top fifty influential names in architecture and design in South Asia for Architectural Digest's AD50 list this year. We were selected for our regenerate Haveli, a weekend getaway grafted onto a site in Gujarat, using the remnants of a 300-year-old broken-down haveli.

Representing irregular urbanism - Roundtable at ICA,London
Melissa presented her work on irregular settlements in Ahmedabad at the ICA London in a roundtable organised by RESCALE (RESearch into Cities, Architecture, Landscape and Environments), Kingston School of Art

Various features on Architectural Digest with Asian paints
In our work for Various at Dhobi Talao, we collaborated with Asian Paints to reinvent some of our furniture pieces.

Melissa presents at ACETECH, Bengaluru
Melissa presents a lecture as part of the avant garde panel titled "Adapting Modes of Practice" at ACETECH Interface, Benguluru.

Ahmedabad mapping project - summer workshop
We conducted a 5 - day summer workshop ‘Common Voids’, which culminated with a public exhibition, "Stories of Chowks", which documented the work of 21 participants from across India.

50 of the most influential names in architecture and design, south asia 2016
banduksmithstudio was recognized as one of the top fifty influential names in architecture and design in South Asia for Architectural Digest's AD50 list this year. With a list that focused on contributions to residential architecture, we were selected for our project Tower House, which takes advantage of an increase in floor space index to reimagine the urban house as a squat tower, rather than a sprawling bungalow.

invited to india design id
Banduksmithstudio was invited to participate in the India Design ID Exhibition in Delhi, with an installation called 'various wetlands' in the Design Pavilion. February 12-14. Come visit....

finalist, sabarmati riverfront biodiversity park competition
Our entry vad gumbaj was selected as finalist for a competition held by SRFDCL to design an iconic meditation structure in a biodiversity park at the Sabarmati Riverfront in Ahmedabad.

we opened a store in mumbai
banduksmithstudio joined Chirag Shah and Monica Sampat to open a new storefront located in south mumbai's art deco precinct: various at dhobi talao. its curated collection of products designed and produced locally, along with projects at the intersection of art & architectural practice, aims to generate a dialogue about design process and modes of making.

chandigarh unbuilt
Melissa visited Chandigarh again to sit on the jury for the international competition, ‘Chandigarh Unbuilt’.

published in home review
Our practice was featured in the September 2015 issue of Home Review.

blacksmith caravans on the move
Sachin and Melissa contributed to the journal Room One Thousand, in which their article examines camps of the gaduliya lohar,a group of traveling blacksmiths whose identity as nomads is slowly shifting under the weight of India's urban expansion. As urbanity slowly strips away their identity, the piece examines how these changes are manifested in their organization as a group, and how the physical structure of their camp accommodates the evolution.

runner up: Indo-Swiss Dynamic Shades Competition
Our competition entry "One Fold" won runner up in the Indo-Swiss BEEP External Movable Shading System Design Competition. We are developing a prototype to be tested for solar performance.

2 square house published in design detail magazine
Design Detail magazine published our project, two square house, as a feature in the June 2015 issue.

fostering steel construction
Sachin was interviewed by Steel Structures and Metal Buildings magazine on how to improve steel construction in India.

we have moved!
we have shifted our office to vijay char rasta, navrangpura. contact us for the new address

structural steel construction summit
Sachin was invited to give a lecture at the Structural Steel Construction Summit in Ahmedabad, titled "Steel Lines: molded & assembled, small & big, green & dry."

emerging indian architects
banduksmithstudio featured as one of india's emerging architects in Modern Green Structures magazine. Our project "Wind House" is published along with an interview.

nominated-residence of the year
Our project, Two Square House, was nominated as a finalist for residence of the year in the 2014 India Trends Awards.

architecture with architects: tower house
Sachin and Melissa lead "architecture with architects" with CEPT University again, this time at tower house, an under construction residence in Ahmedabad, opposite AMA. Saturday at 9am.

shelter trek: CEPT summer school in the himalaya
We are leading a course, Shelter Trek, in CEPT Summer School: 6 - 20 June. Through a slow trip by road, the shelter trek explores the relationship of material to its place, by looking at compositions of wood, clay, stone & metals—how the building meets the ground and how the roof sits on the building. The course starts in the Gulf of Khambhat and drives up through cities and villages in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Kashmir up to Leh, Ladakh. Open to people related to architecture - students or graduates, registration ends Saturday 14 March. Follow the link for information on how to sign up: CEPT Summer School

shortlisted in Indo-Swiss Shades Design Competition
Our competition entry "One Fold" was shortlisted for the Indo-Swiss BEEP External Movable Shading System Design Competition. We now move ahead into the prototyping stage.

kurula varkey forum, cept university
Melissa is a panelist in the Kurula Varkey Design Forum at CEPT University, and is giving a lecture titled 'Imperfect Translations.'

3 tree house published in 3 places
3 tree house, published byindia art n design
and on the livegreenblog

CARBSE article series: Indian Architect & Builder
Melissa is writing a year-long series of articles for Indian Architect & Builder that uses the research of the Center for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE) at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, to look at aspects of energy research in the built environment through a variety of lenses—in studies that analyze traditional pol houses with scientific rigour, examine the optimized possibility of stone jaali performance, and explore simulation to assess courtyard effectiveness, among others.

india's hot 100 designers
Sachin was selected as one of India's hot 100 designers in commercial space design and construction by Commercial Design magazine.

IDENTITY MATTERS -in the Venice Biennale '14
Our essay "[Beautiful] architecture of imperfect translations" has been published in the book Identity Matters: Architecture between individualism and homologation, by Riccardo Salvi, and selected to be part of the library of the 2014 Venice Biennale.

wind house in ia&b
Our residence in Deesa published as an in-construction project in Indian Architect and Builder.
"Wind House, Deesa, Gujarat", Indian Architect & Builder 27(2) March 2014.

shortlisted in taru cool roofs competition
Our two entries, 'mobile gardens,' and 'plastilimecrete roof pavers' were shortlisted in TARU's cool roofs competition.

opening: bougainvillea gallery
opening of bougainvillea gallery, with an exhibit of Ashit Parikh's photography

an emerging generation in india
we were selected as one of the top 'under 40' architects practicing in india, for a collection on archello curated by rahul mehrotra.
open house: 2 square house
we happily invite you to an afternoon open house at two square house, a recently completed residence. saturday, 27th april, 4pm - 8pm.

Stimuli: Work-Play, Lecture for IPSA
Sachin and Melissa to give lecture titled "Stimuli: Work-Play" as guest speakers at the student celebration Melange, of Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture in Rajkot, Gujarat.

practices of consequence
Our practice documented as one of 16 practices set to influence architecture in India.
"Practices of Consequence." Indian Architect & Builder 26(2) October 2012.

architecture with architects: two square house
CEPT students visit Two Square House under construction with Sachin and Melissa as a part of 'Architecture with Architects,' a student-run program at the university that brings together students and architects to engage them in the process of making buildings.

Our firm was selected for a profile on indian-architects and world-architects.com

domus: we move the ground
"We move the ground." DOMUS India 01(07) May 2012.
Pecha kucha talk in Mumbai...picked up and published as a photo essay.

pkn mumbai: we move the ground
we are participating in PKN Mumbai near Churchgate this Wednesday! Come listen in...